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Cooking Tips: the Beginning

January 13, 2012

It’s that time! The brand new time! The resolution making time! And this year we will focus a LOT more on cooking and photography…

So we’re kicking it off with a new section of cooking tips. Learning to cook, becoming a better cook, cooking healthier, all  seem to be popular resolutions.

Since we both come from families with a long history of cooks, we can share some wisdom with you from time to time. Heck, maybe I can get my Dad to chime in every once in a while…you know, get the professional’s opinion. We’ll see 🙂

Today’s Tip

Copyright diego.cervo @

Taste as you go

Question: You wouldn’t serve something to a paying customer without tasting it first would you? What about a guest in your home? Your family? Yourself?

I hope not! :p
Tasting as you go is such an important thing to do. Allowing you ample opportunity to correct seasoning, consistency, texture, flavor, etc.
If you’re afraid of cooties, then stay away from our kitchen. We’ve always got a “tasting spoon” beside whatever we’re cooking. Even if it’s something simple we’ve made a hundred times. (okay fine, if we’re cooking for someone else, we wash the spoon off each time…sheesh)
Getting in this habit will train your taste buds.

“Hmm, this tastes off, what do I need to do to fix this?” 

“This needs something…what can I add?”

This is an essential jumping off point in learning to experiment…which is where the FUN begins in cooking.

Happy Cooking!

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